Dear Small Group Leaders of Christ Church,
Today we had a meaningful service of All Saint’s Sunday at Christ Church. Attached is the discussion guide for the message “Eternity in Their Hearts” based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-14. Please attach it to a friendly meeting reminder email to your group members and include a link to the online sermon videos in case they missed it-
11-04-18 Sermon Discussion Guide- eternity in our hearts
Leader Tips:
#1 Discussions This Week– The liturgical holiday of All Saint’s Sunday, depending on the person and their recent history of loved ones who may have passed away, can be an emotional experience. In such cases the emotions can sometimes be hard, sometimes good, and sometimes both. This could be an occasion in which the vulnerability within the group deepens. As facilitator you may wish to offer people time and opportunity to open up about their personal feelings and experiences. Also remember you have the pastors of the church to support you and your group members in the ministry. If people seem to be going into too much vulnerability for the context, as the leader you may provide a conversational way out in referring to the pastors who would be happy to meet with them for further conversation.
#2 At our Discipleship Leader’s Breakfast this Tuesday at 8am in Jacob’s Well, I will sharing a more in-depth presentation of Kwanglim Methodist, the largest Methodist Church in the World which I visited in Seoul, S. Korea this past summer. All of you are welcome!
#3 The end of the Fall Semester for Small Groups- As we mentioned at the beginning of the fall, a small group lasts about 10-12 weeks, once in the fall and a couple of times in the winter/spring. We are soon coming up on the end of the Spring semester (around thanksgiving). You may wish to discuss with your group soon, when your last meeting will be this fall. A Christmas fellowship event is a fun extra alternative type of meeting in December if your group would enjoy it! Please let me know when your last regular meeting will be when you can. I have a different “post-participation” anonymous survey for the new people to fill out which I would like to give you for that time.
#4 Upcoming Events– Some of the upcoming events are still the same as listed from last week. You can read them below and share them with your group as you see fit.
Keep on keeping on Saints of Christ Church! I’ll be holding your groups and spiritual conversations this week in prayer that God would bless the fellowship with His presence and peace as the eternal things of the heart are shared from one to another.
Dan Conway
Pastor of Discipleship & Outreach
Christ Church